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The Project

The Fire Wine project is born, within the Fire-RES Innovative technologies & socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe, with the desire to build models, develop and test interventions that stimulate the creation of landscapes prepared to resist and recover from wildfires, reducing losses. Specifically, the innovation incentives offered by the value chain of the wine sector will be evaluated.

The project starts from the creation of a network of wine makers and producers, forest owners, who share experiences in prevention systems, management and application of bioeconomy models in rural activities and the improvement of biodiversity and resilience.

Through the FireWine network, it will be possible to analyze the feasibility of establishing mechanisms that stimulate and promote transversal collaboration with the aim of improving the management of the land and the forest surface and, at the same time, reducing the risks of forest fires and generate common interests between the forestry sector, the wine industry and the public.

The project, which was born in Catalonia, includes the development of a label to distinguish the wineries involved in improving the resilience of their forest estates. The network, however, has already spread to other places in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy.

The project envisages the compilation of good practices in different contexts and the creation of communication and dissemination campaigns for the promotion and visibility of the certification of these economic actors through their commitment to the management of wildfire prevention actions.

The Worknet

The FireWine network wants to share successful experiences that make it possible to improve performance standards in fire prevention and, at the same time, achieve models that are more respectful of the landscape, biodiversity and the resilience of the environment.

The network has wineries of


(D.O. Empordà, D.O.Q. Priorat, D.O. Montsant, D.O. Pla de Bages, D.O. Penedès, Corpinnat)